Tuscia University | Italy

The Department of Innovation in Biology, Agri-food and Forest systems (DIBAF) of the University of Tuscia is a multidisciplinary research laboratory and teaching hub in the fields of forest and agro-environmental management and biotechnology.
DIBAF ranks first places among Italian academic institutes for the quality of its scientific research in the field of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary. In this scientific area, DIBAF is one of the 10 Departments of Excellence awarded by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MIUR) in 2018.
In the research area of forest and agro-environmental management, DIBAF staff is currently involved in EU projects on key areas linked with PREVAIL project actions, like bio-based circular economy (AlpLinkBioEco) and monitoring/modelling vulnerability of terrestrial carbon stocks to climate variability and extreme weather events in European forest, grass- and peat-land and arable ecosystems (GHG Europe, Increase, CarboExtreme).

Department of Innovation in Biology, Agri-food and Forest systems

Via S. Camillo de Lellis, Viterbo

+39 0761 357 583



team members

  • barbati.sisfor@unitus.it

Anna Barbati

Associate Professor at the University of Tuscia; Project coordinator

She holds a M.Sc. in Forestry and a Ph.D. in Forest planning and Economics, from the University of Florence (Italy). She has ten years’ experience in participation to national and European projects on forest fires and climate change, wildfire prevention, fuel management, post-fire rehabilitation (FP7 FUME Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world, PRIN2009 INFLAMING Developing innovative models and techniques for integrated fuel management for fire prevention in Mediterranean and temperate forests, COST Action FP060701 Post-fire forest management in Southern Europe; MASIFF – Development of a Methodology for the Analysis of Socio-economic Impact of Forest Fires and Economic Efficiency of Fire Management). Her main research interests lie in the areas of application of remote sensing and forest sampling strategies to forest monitoring, ranging from forest ecosystem services estimation to forest fuel types inventory and mapping to support wildfire risk assessment on a large scale. As PREVAIL project coordinator, she oversees the management project (WP1). She will also actively contribute in the dissemination and uptake of the results through networking with the Italian National Civil Protection and other interested target groups

Barbara Ferrari

Researcher in Forestry

She has a M.Sc. in Forestry and a Ph.D. in Forest economics, planning and wood science, from the University of Florence (Italy). She collaborated with University of Florence and the Italian Academy of Forest Sciences. Since 2004 she has been working at University of Tuscia, participating in research projects on sustainable forest management, risk and best practices to combat desertification and forest inventories. She has worked as scientific copy editor for a monograph concerning forest fires. Her research interests include sustainable forest management and landscape planning. As PREVAIL additional staff, she will support the Coordinator in project management activities and financial assets (WP1).

  • barbara.ferrari@unitus.it
Antonio Tomao
  • antonio.tomao@unitus.it

Antonio Tomao

Scientific additional staff at the University of Tuscia

He holds a M.Sc. in Forestry and Environmental Sciences at the University of Tuscia in Viterbo and a Ph.D. in Landscape and Environment Design, Management and Planning at Sapienza, University of Rome. He has collaborated with the DIBAF Department of the University of Tuscia since 2015, participating in research projects on the implications of land use change on landscape management, on sustainable forest management and forest inventories. His main research interests lie in the field of (i) geomatics and remote sensing applications for the monitoring of forest resources, (ii) management and planning of forest resources in urban and Mediterranean- mountainous areas, (iii) silvicultural management aimed at increasing non-wood forest product resources.

As PREVAIL additional staff he will lead the WP2 (Review and analysis of existing large wildfires prevention measures and preparedness actions). He will also support partners and subcontractor to collect data about large fire case studies and to carry out statistical analyses.